There is that sensation in my chest,
The itch, the burn, the heavy stone,
To get rid of it I have tried my best,
But it doesn’t just leave me alone,
I look up into the sky,
I dive into the dust,
All my efforts go wry,
Escape is mind’s ultimate lust,
My hands shake,
My feet tremble,
I remember my mistake,
My worst gamble,
Was it to feel so alive?
To gloom in your presence,
Or was it to never to strive?
Once you gave my life credence,
Was it to smile?
Each time I heard your voice,
Or was it never to go rile?
Or maybe I never had a choice,
Touched by you,
On skin and the soul,
Of all the pleasures I knew,
Nothing ever had taken control,
I roamed a free man,
I did as I pleased,
Wild I ran,
Though never appeased,
You gave me a hope,
To let go,
I wanted to elope,
To the world I wanted to show,
I too can be honest,
I too can love and be pure,
I too can be the best,
The side of me which was so far obscure,
But that was not be,
I yearn for the calm again,
Once again I search for me,
A hunt from which I did abstain,
I seek the true nature,
That brings me to this juncture time and again,
Wondering why I still wander,
Choosing once more to be inane,
I smile,
Yet I don’t understand why I do,
I smile,
Maybe because I knew you,
There is that sensation in my chest,
The itch, the burn, the heavy stone,
To get rid of it I have tried my best,
But it doesn’t just leave me alone…
Love Once Love All
Mohit Chopra
30th July 2012