The bully in me died out,
I had forgotten if I was ever one,
I had given up the bout,
coz harshness can't be undone,
nor the moments when u make someone feel cheated,
as he trusted you like a friend,
and his amity was never greeted,
and all his hopes were bend,
Of all the things I dislike,
one of them is the way people act,
at the beginning it may not strike,
and your inanity remains intact,
The way you try to fool others,
laugh at their expense,
to you, it never bothers,
but the other one gets tense,
who's guilty of the indifference,
who shall take the blame,
you might be deceived with the appearance,
and lose this intricate game,
there's no point thinking about any of this,
it's really not worth the time,
but it's stinging as a snakes hiss,
and I know I should be fine,
coz I have been guilty of the same game,
I have played so many of you out,
and I never felt the shame,
and I never had the slightest of doubt,
I too bashed you around with words,
made fun of your dreams,
shooed you away like flocking birds,
ignored your hearts screams,
and so now I face the grunt,
so now I pay the price,
and now my fingers are burnt,
and now my dismay is on a rise,
I shall not repent,
I shall reap what I sowed,
coz I know no one will relent,
coz I too never bowed,
lets hope I don't do it again,
no matter how good it feels,
coz it gives such a pain,
if not treated on time,it never heals...
Love One Love All
Mohit Chopra
4th June 2010
Gud.... Great.... Awesome....
it is something very different that you have written in all these years Mohit...!!
heart touching...pls take care!!!!!
@ Sonika : Thanks...
@ Anonymous : Different, hmmm... tell me wat all have u read so far?
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